Healthy wellbeing


Wellbeing underpins our ability to function effectively. It refers to our whole being—the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual facets of who we are. At Mentone Girls’ Grammar we are a community that cares, thus our aim is to go above and beyond the concept of just ‘functioning’ at school. A positive wellbeing can lead to flourishing and thriving in both a school setting and beyond. Vice Principal (Wellbeing) and Head of Senior School Jo Frost provides her expert advice on how to support wellbeing through our “new normal” of online learning and the importance of gratitude.


Wellbeing is enhanced through fun group activities

While our online learning is the new way of learning for this term, our girls can ensure they feel supported both in their education and wellbeing by having fun in class. It is important to have some “downtime” activities that is purely designed to make students laugh and feel happy. Our students enjoy home group challenges such as creating dance videos, trivia quizzes and even decorating their learning space. It is vital to have a wellbeing aspect to each class on a daily basis to ensure a healthy mind and spirit.


Make time for mindfulness

Mindfulness is paramount to any child’s education for a number of reasons. School can be at times very stressful and taxing on the mental, emotional and physical aspects of our being. That is why it is absolutely essential to set aside at least 10-15 minutes a day to focus on your mindfulness. This can be in the shape of meditation, reading a book, drawing a picture, listening to music or even sharing a joke among friends. Find things that you love to do whether it is swimming, playing with your pets or being active. Mentone Girls’ offers online Zumba, singing, fitness programs and more to help support the wellbeing of all our students.


Stay connected online

When there is a lack of social interaction in person there can be a tendency to emotionally and socially disconnect. Social media may be our force for good in these times where we are so easily able to connect with one other on camera and delight in virtual catch ups. Students are missing seeing each other every day so it is essential to maintain those friendships and interactions online.


What are you grateful for?

Gratitude is the ability to be thankful for your surroundings and appreciate the lifestyle you have been given. Take time out of the day to be grateful for three things to help remind ourselves of the positives in life. It is a good idea to check in with yourself each day and say out loud what you are grateful for. Spread the positivity by telling those people closest to you that you are thankful for them to be in your life.


A new Wellbeing App

Mentone Girls’ is about to launch an App that supports positive wellbeing on a daily basis. The App is designed to prompt girls to check in daily and rate how they are currently feeling. If a student records a below-average state of wellbeing, we check in with that student and arrange for them to speak with a staff member whom they feel comfortable with should they request this. This App is another touch point that reminds our girls of the support available to them, albeit online.

More so, our girls have the WAVES program which focuses on pastoral care where they learn about subjects including cyber safety, alcohol and drugs and real life issues so that they are well versed and prepared in these areas and can be in a position to make safe decisions for the benefit of their own wellbeing.